

This API is used to get the parameter range of Alarm > Sound Detection .

Request Message

Parameter Description

Table 1
The channels supported by the device.
string arrayIPC only use "CH1"。
page_type"ChannelConfig", "AlarmConfig"stringData used to distinguish between channel configuration pages and alarm configuration pages.


POST /API/AlarmConfig/Intelligent/SoundDetection/Range HTTP/1.1

Response Message

Parameter Description

Table 2
channel_infoJson ObjectChannel information refer to Table 3
page_type“ChannelConfig”,“AarmConfig”stringUsed to distinguish between channel configuration page and alarm configuration page data, only required when set
channel_maxintMaximum number of channels
support_copyboolDoes the page support copy (dedicated to NVR and DVR)
Table 3
CH1Json ObjectJson see Table 4 for more information
...Json Object
IP_CH1Json Object
...Json Object
WIFI_CH1Json Object
...Json Object
Table 4
status"Offline","Online",“Nonsupport”stringChannel online status, only for digital channels.
Note: This field is not available when the channel is online
alarm_out“Local->1” ”Local->x”“IP_CH1->1” “IP_CH1->2” ”IP_CHx->1” ”IP_CHx->2”
The number of channels depends on the functionality of the device.
arrayAlarm channel
Each array bit is represented by a string representing the alarm output channel.
Camera: Local ->1: On, null: Off
latch_time"10","20","40","60"stringAlarm output time
record_enabletrue falseboolRecord channel switch
record_channel“CH1” ”CH1x”“IP_CH1” ” IP_CH1x”“WIFI_CH1”arrayAlarm output channel
Channel alarm linkage switch
post_recording"30","60","120","300"stringRecording delay time
send_emailtrue falseboolSend email switch
ftp_picture_uploadtrue falseboolChannel capture FTP upload switch
ftp_video_uploadtrue falseboolChannel video FTP upload switch
picture_to_cloudtrue falseboolImage upload switch (dedicated to NVR)
video_to_cloudtrue falseboolVideo cloud upload switch (dedicated to NVR/DVR)
full_screenboolFull screen switch (NVR only))
buzzer"0","10","20","40","60"stringBuzzer beep time (NVR specific)
show_messageboolDisplay message switch (NVR specific)
switchtrue falseboolswitch,false: close true: open
rise_sensitivity1-100intSound detection threshold sensitivity (only for sound amplification detection)
sound_intensity1-100intSound increases detection sensitivity
decline_switchtrue falseboolSound reduction detection switch
rise_switchtrue falseboolSound rise detection switch
decline_sensitivity1-100intSound reduces sensitivity
copy_ch"digit""analog""wifi"stringFlag supporting channel replication (dedicated to NVR and DVR)
voice_prompts_index0~4294967295intFile index (0~4294967295, where 0 is None, meaning no audio file has been selected). Each file is named "index_filename" (1ui will try), and when displayed on the page, "index_" should be hidden, such as "1ui will try" and only "i will try" should be displayed
voice_prompts_selectarrayPlayback channel, calculated by bit (bit0 is local, bit1 corresponds to front-end channel 1, and bit2 corresponds to channel 2)
voice_prompts_timearrayTime period, there cannot be time conflicts among 12 time periods
http_listeningbooleventpush linkage switch
time_scheduleJson arraysee Table 5 for more information
Table 5

Time_schedule JSON

schedule_type"SD"stringSound alarm time schedule
weekjson arraysee Table 6 for more information
Table 6

detect_area JSON

daySun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,SastringIdentify the day of the week
time0: Close time period
1: Opening time period
arrayEach array bit (int) is identified for half an hour.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "result": "success",
    "data": {
        "channel_max": 20,
        "support_copy": true,
        "channel_info": {
            "type": "object",
            "items": {
                "IP_CH9": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "items": {
                        "status": {
                            "description": "Only offline channel has this variable.",
                            "type": "string",
                            "mode": "r",
                            "items": [
                        "switch": {
                            "type": "bool"
                        "rise_switch": {
                            "type": "bool"
                        "rise_sensitivity": {
                            "type": "int32",
                            "min": 1,
                            "max": 100
                        "decline_switch": {
                            "type": "bool"
                        "decline_sensitivity": {
                            "type": "int32",
                            "min": 1,
                            "max": 100
                        "sound_intensity": {
                            "type": "int32",
                            "min": 1,
                            "max": 100
                        "time_schedule": {
                            "type": "array",
                            "min_size": 0,
                            "max_size": 2,
                            "items": [
                                    "schedule_type": {
                                        "type": "string",
                                        "items": [
                                    "week": {
                                        "type": "array",
                                        "size": 7,
                                        "items": [
                                                "day": {
                                                    "type": "string",
                                                    "items": [
                                                "time": {
                                                    "type": "array",
                                                    "size": 48,
                                                    "items": [
                                                            "type": "int32",
                                                            "items": [

Error Code

See Response Messages Body and Common error_code for more information.